安德鲁•汤普森: Current 荣誉项目 Student Profile

  1. 安德鲁•汤普森 headshotWhat is your major?
    Computer Science, Statistics and Data Science

  2. Why did you choose to attend UE?
    I chose to attend UE because it offers great changemaker opportunities and amazing student life opportunities such as 希腊的生活 and Student Ministries. I also had the opportunity to double major and spend a semester abroad in England.

  3. Why did you choose to participate in the honors program?
    I chose to participate in the honors program because it offered a way to enhance my education and let future schools and employers know that I am dedicated to my academic coursework.

  4. What do you enjoy most about the honors program?
    The opportunities that I have enjoyed most about the honors programs are 荣誉项目 events, such as spending time with honors students and friends at basketball games, 遛狗, and volleyball games.

  5. What has been your favorite honors class so far and why?
    My favorite honors class so far has been a contracted course, R for Data Science. My additional work involved diving deep into multiple linear regression, and I got to build skills related to statistics and data science that are also heavily related to basic concepts in computer science and machine learning.

  6. What advice would you give future Honors students?
    I’d advise future UE Honors students to consider the honors program because it can enhance their future career outlook and provide great opportunities, such as research grants.

  7. What are your plans/goals following graduation?
    毕业后, I hope to become a data scientist, utilizing my majors in a field where I can constantly learn about new technologies and work in distinct fields with interesting data. I am considering graduate school as a possible route to opening career opportunities as a data scientist.